Believing in the potential of your products and taking them to markets all over the planet.
To give you an idea, the Brazilian pet industry, which encompasses the segments of Pet Food (industrialized food for pets), Pet Vet (veterinary medicines), and Pet Care (utility products such as beds, hygienic rugs, clothes, feeders, house, etc.), earned BRL 35.8 billion in 2021 (source: Abinpet – Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Produtos para Animais de Estimação).
Retail comprises six segments: Pet Food, Pet Vet, and Pet Care, as explained above, in addition to Veterinary Services, General Services, and Pet Sales directly from the breeders. The Brazilian pet retail earned BRL 51.7 billion in the same period.
When we add the revenues of the Pet Industry and Pet Retail, we reach the mark of BRL 87.5 billion, which shows a growth of 166% for the entire Pet Sector compared to 2017, when revenues were BRL 32.9 billion (source: Instituto Pet Brasil and Abinpet).

Globally, the sector moved US$ 139.2 billion in 2021, and you can be part of that market.
At the same time that new products are created to win over foreign buyers, meeting requirements and quality standards, the launches heat the national industry.
Other companies also start to seek innovation to develop more innovative solutions for their customers. An optimistic picture that encourages more and more companies to seek markets outside the country.