ApexBrasil and partners launch the Brazilian Commercial Promotion Calendar 2024

The new tool brings together trade fairs and business missions in one place, making it easier for companies wishing to participate in international events to organize themselves. The Brazilian Commercial Promotion Calendar of the Brazil Export Platform enables Brazilian entrepreneurs to access various events with opportunities to expand their businesses in the international market. "Anyone who wants to learn about Brazil's presence in the world and the world's presence in Brazil will be able to access the Commercial Promotion Calendar being developed in partnership with everyone," highlighted Jorge Viana, president of ApexBrasil, during the launch. Launched during a webinar held on March 7th by ApexBrasil, the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock in Brazil (CNA), and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA), the tool gathers the main events of the partner entities of the platform. The Brazil Export Platform has already exceeded 29,000 unique accesses since its launch in November 2023. It was conceived by MDIC and operated by ApexBrasil. According to Janaina Silva, Director of MDIC, the new functionality of the Calendar will optimize the commercial promotion actions of companies, providing more predictability when planning their activities.


Personalized Search

The personalized search allows filtering events by target market, economic sector, registration and execution date, price, and many other criteria that help the entrepreneur find the best options for commercial promotion for their company. After viewing all the options of trade fairs, business missions, business rounds, and other modalities, it is possible to select those of interest and extract them into a spreadsheet with the data of each event, optimizing organization and planning.


Multisector Environment

The Calendar brings promotion actions for companies from different sectors. "Brazilian industrial companies will be able to find, in one place, the necessary information to select the event, in Brazil or abroad, as a business generation opportunity," comments Sarah Saldanha from CNI. One of the highlights of the launch was the Agribusiness events agenda. According to Camila Sande from CNA, "the calendar will facilitate the commercial promotion of agribusiness as it allows rural producers to identify and plan their ideal participation in international fairs." Similarly, Dalci Bagolin from MAPA emphasizes that "there are companies that still do not know all the actions developed for agribusiness, and now we will have the opportunity to bring together (on the platform) all these fairs, providing easy access to all interested parties." "We congratulate ApexBrasil for the initiative, and it is very important for MAPA to be involved because it provides access to the opportunities that MAPA offers in its commercial promotion actions," Bagolin adds.


Preparation and Promotion for Small Businesses

One of the aspects discussed in the webinar was the need for preparation to achieve good deals at international events. Participation in a trade fair or mission without prior organization can be frustrating. In this sense, the experts addressed important tips for before, during, and after the event. In addition, companies can participate in international events with different objectives, according to their international maturity. A small business can start its participation in international events with a focus on learning. The company can attend a first mission or trade fair without expecting to close deals but to learn from competitors, understand the behavior of international buyers, and then prepare adequately to exhibit its products in the future. Additionally, it is not necessary to leave the country to participate in an international business event. A company that is still starting out can participate in trade fairs and business rounds in Brazil, where international buyers come to the country to close contracts. This reduces the barrier to entry into exporting, especially for small businesses that do not have much budget to participate in events abroad. In addition to the Calendar, the Brazil Export Platform provides various export support services. According to Gustavo Reis from Sebrae, the Platform addresses a challenge of organization, planning, and preparation for small businesses that want to export.



Brazilian Commercial Promotion Calendar

Free access: Event Calendar - Brazil Export Platform (brasilexportacao.com.br)